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In residential areas near Battle Creek, backyard chickens, goats and honeybees may become more common.  Recently, there have been proposed ordinance...

San Antonio’s city council has recently changed city codes that makes it legal to grow and sell food from your own backyard.  One resident recently...

You won’t believe what’s happening inside of an old military armory in downtown Green Bay. “The non-profit group NeighborWorks Green...

Recently, Venezuela has declared a “food emergency”.  Because it is facing a shortage of bread, milk, and meat, along with other staples…the...

When trying to figure out if it’s safe or not to grow your own food in urban soil, it’s important to first determine what real possible dangers...

New York City has been the home of major supermarkets, farmers markets and even the stock market but some residents are longing to turn unused or empty...

Even if you’re short on space, or gardening in urban areas, you can still grow some of your own food and enjoy a year-round garden.  Container...

If you want to get a jump start on your gardening outside, but temperatures are still quite cool, you can use milk jugs to create mini-greenhouses. “Three...

Around the world, urban farming is becoming an important part of the city landscape.  The new reality in which we live in, is that more than half of...

Mr. Willie Anderson, an 82 year old Mississippi man, has been container gardening for over 8 years. He originally started out with 100 buckets, but now...

More than 50% of US land, is being used for agricultural purposes, but still land is a limited resource. Here’s two new innovative companies that...

Many urban dwellers have found that even in the smallest of spaces, you can create beauty through urban gardening.  All you need is some creativity! “Inventive...

“All Freight Farms units are built in repurposed 40-foot insulated shipping containers. Everything from water to the LED lights in the units are...

People living in urban areas are sometimes frightened about lead being in their soil.  In a new study, they found that by using compost you can help...

People are becoming more aware about the benefits of plant-based diets, especially when it comes to the field of preventative medicine.  Hospitals all...

One Japanese company is about to open up a “robot farm”, the first of it’s kind in the entire world.   The plan is that the robots...

Join the club that delivers you garden seeds at just the right time of the year to plant them – hand selected based on your garden specs.  Every...