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Gardening is Booming During This Pandemic – and You Can Still Start Planting in July

Posted on Jul 8 2020 - 4:00am by UOG

Time has not ran out! There’s still plenty of days left on the calendar to get your summer gardens planted. It’s all about variety and days to maturity.

“Gardening businesses have been booming during the coronavirus lockdowns, and nurseries have busily tried to keep up with the unexpected—and unprecedented—demand.

Tending plants has always been one of the world’s most popular hobbies, but no one was prepared for this surge in gardening—and nurseries are still propagating as fast as they can to keep up.

Even sales of houseplants are up, as people look for ways to brighten their days in lockdown.

“The establishment time for a plant is so much faster in the summer months, and the watering time for new plants is much shorter,” explains Avent. “If you plant in the winter, you can get by with infrequent waterings, but if you plant in summer, you need to water every day. But the tradeoff is that you only have to water for a week or so before the plant is fully established.”

Pollinators are also more active in the summer months and can be a gardener’s good friend; native bees, honeybees, butterflies, but also wasps.”


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