Why my South Philly urban garden made me want to get up in the morning

Posted on Sep 8 2017 - 5:13pm by UOG


“I spend a lot (probably too much) of time at home.

As a freelance writer, most of my days used to begin with a casual wake-up initiated by my internal alarm clock and a sluggish relocation from my bed to the kitchen table. Sometimes, I feared I might need to have the “I know it looks like I haven’t moved from this spot since you left, but I promise I have” talk with my roommates.

Basically, I can be a sad excuse for an “adult” who thrives most when there’s tangible proof that I have completed a task.

What I needed was something to foster and take care of, something that would inspire me to log off Twitter for a millisecond, something that would make my surroundings more stimulating, but something that was not as high-maintenance as an animal or a small human because, please, I’m not there yet.”

Read the full story at: “Philly.com

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